Life Without Practice

We all live lives without practice - you only live once, and this ain't no rehersal. Life is what happens along the road. Plan as we might, things sometimes take another path. This is an on-going diatribe from my perspective. Don't live like it's a rehearsal!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bigger Hole

Well, with a list of 6 different approaches in front of me, I decided to go for the full monty and took the whole ceiling out. It gives me something nice and clean to start with, and also will let me apply more insulation and also trace the electrical situation to the best outcome.

All this on my P14 work - the hallway reno, to put some tin ceiling in place.

The wiring is a bit cryptic. I'd like to eliminate as much of the old knob and tube as possible, but there's always some stuff I can't get at easily. I don't want to start smashing out more ceilings though. It's such a huge mess, and then there's the disposal of the waste - I'll need to put it out to the curb a bit at a time, or do a big load to the dump, and pay.

On the Subject of Crap
Speaking of throwing stuff away, I've noticed that the bulk of the stuff I throw out is plastic film. Bags and wrappings from a myriad of sources form the bulk of our garbage. Not to mention that as it goes to the landfill, a bunch of the stuff probably blows around an wreaks further havoc on the enivronment in the area.

There's got to be some solution for that. I know Ottawa is particularly lame with the recycling. Other cities must do something with this stuff. I'd bet if you melt down big gobs of random plastic film and mix it with waste wood-pulp or some low-cost fibre that the glob would solidify into a material with some sort of use. People are so uninventive in municiple politics.

Waiting on People
Those three opportunities on the P2 front are taking forever to get anywhere. The one most likely of success (mid-sized co, interesting work) says resolution in a week or so. The other two hopefully will move forward soon.

Number 3 is either out 'cause I'm too senior in my experience or delayed while a Director gets lined up to talke to me via phone.

Number 1 is either out 'cause the HR guy is p.o'd cause I managed to get their Prez to show interest without going through him, or just delayed while the other Veep get's lined up to meet with me. Could also be that the arrogant HR guy wants a lousy guy with a similar existing job rather than a depply experienced guy who is ready for the step up.

My preferences? I think I've been somewhat swayed toward the No 2 with the last interiew. But offer salary could make a big difference. No 1 would be best for my resume and future opp's, No 3 would be best for manageable stress and good growth. No 2 is one of those old-style places where an insecure owner makes all positions except his "managers" for fear that calling anyone a director or VP would imasculate him. So your resume looks weak, though you've got a senior role. The content of the role looks interesting though.

Waiting on People really sucks, particularly when they aren't motivated. Incumbency means so much in every field it seems. Unfortunatly, it counts for way more than talent, experience or intelligence. That sucks.

Another late evening, and the musty smell of exposed house innards to help me sleep oh joy. Well, tomorrow, I'll sort out my electrical situation, maybe insulate a bit and wouldn't it be nice to close in the open ceiling... not likely - that will be on the weekend.

Your assignment to be tackled following your reading of this passage is to get a piece of paper and sketch out your living enivoronment. Can you do it without walking around in it? Do you remember every little wall, and door positioning? Let me know how it goes!


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