Crossing Hills
I feel like I've been walking up a hill for several weeks, and it's a bit of a struggle. This P2 effort weighs on me. With 3 interviews and positive feedback, comments about a second interview for 2 and an actual 2nd interview with one, I was feeling pretty confident for a while, but the lack of professionalism in the hiring process these days makes me cringe. I'd never keep people on the hook like that. Have they moved on with their hiring and not even sent me an email? Am I still in the running, and their just too busy to close on the process? Don't know.
I guess I'll have to send some emails or make some calls myself next week. But meanwhile, I got back on that horse and started some resumes circulating. Did an in person drop off to follow up an email. That seemed to work well in the past, so I hope it does again. How do you communicate that evenone you worked for sang your praises when you are still looking? Oh well.
I guess by my sense of the situation that I am actively looking for a job, rather than pursuing the consult thing much anymore. Perhaps I can do a few things to push on the P1 point of view again.
What ever the path forward, I feel like I've crested a shoulder on the hill. But on Monday, I was really slogging straight up a steep slope. The past few weeks I've been doing stuff that I would regret not having done if I was once again full-time engaged - hence the P14 stuff.
Sitting in my office surrounded by clutter, I decided earlier in the week to do a blitz through the mess and get some order in place. I have some good desk surface, a pile of recycled papers and records in better order now, at least. Still some work to do, but clearing up a bit helps lift the spirits.
The government has moved as I expected and snapped a tax in place on Income Trusts, so that equity option has now lost it's shine. Of course, there was an immediate hit on the one's I hold, and I didn't care for that. The net impact on my portfolio wasn't a huge one. My stocks were generally up the days preceeding, so I am about where I was last week, but it really ruined a bunch of individual investments. Typical amateur move from the clowns in parliament.
It will take a few months now for those vehicles to figure out what they're doing. I suspect some will convert back to a regular public corporation. But basically they were all solid companies and so at the end of the day, the value should still be there, in spite of a shift of tax burden.
Supper time - let's wrap it up. Your assignment, dear blog reader, is to get out your old tax returns for the past 10 years or so (if you've been around that long) and graph your net taxable income. What shape is your curve? Mine used to be logarithmic, but the past 4 years it's crashed - kind of like the tech economy.
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