Trees are Dense Here
You know the old adage about seeing the forest? When the trees on this hill are rather dense, and I can't tell if I'm getting near the top. But that's just par for the course in the Life Without Practice.
This is referring again to the project 2 stuff, of course. There were the 3 positions I was looking at, you'll recall? When busy, busy. I did tell #2 to take a hike - politely of course. Not an attractive role at all. Number 3 however has gone well, with another interview and an interesting group in a large firm. It was tough to tell what I was interviewing for, but I requested a job descripto and got one the next day in the bitstream. They seem to be interested. I almost thought I was hired during the interview. Very fuzzy experience, but the subject matter is engaging, so I hope they are going forward with an offer. I'm already working on a few explorations in the subject area of this company, so I can hit the ground running. Lots of apparent room for exploration and vision in this role, and a small team to manage, with an overseas component to be added as well. So I'm hopeful.
Tap, Tap, Whirr, Whirr
Yes, Project 15 is still moving forward. I'm working on that hall table, desk, commode, or credenza whatever you want to call it. Narrow, with 3 drawers, one tilty-door/bin, and an open shelf. It's been off and on as I get job on the brain. Waiting for the P2 thing to come through.
But I've made all the pieces, and the biggest chunk - the carcase - is clamped up and glued. Just need to do the top piece with it's requisite bit of moulding around the edge, and prime and paint so that I can put the drawer glides into position on the carcase. Rebates/holes for the tilty hinges, and holes for the glides are there. The other side of the glids are in place on the sides of the drawers. I urethaned the drawers and bin, but whew, what a stink, and too cold to open the windows this time of year. I'm stopping after one coat, and will add another in the sumemr, perhaps.
Also, i've switched th plan to latex paint so I don't have to stink the place up again. Probably not as durable, nor moisture resistant, but the other option is too smelly. Didn't help the migraine that showed up yesterday evening.
Gilded Garbage
Did some electrical work on an old decrepit garage - replacing a dangerously old lightswitch, adding a receptacle... and then pulling down an old crappy motion sensor and spotlight to replace it with a better one and a halogen spotlight. So all that done as darkness decended yesterday and it works fine.
I'd rather rip down the garage, but that's only scheduled for when we add on to the house. So a while yet until financial circumstances are more shiney.
Wrap Up
Your assignment this time is to go buy a compact fluorescent bulb and replace one of the incandescent ones in your home. You've just saved a bit of energy, so go celebrate with a nice tall cold one... which effectively cancels out the energy savings, since it had to be trucked to your local bar... but what the heck. At least you're breaking even.
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